Reaction to the Library as a Performance Space

I normally tend to think of the library as a studious place where some social interaction is allowed (well, in the university library), but I hadn’t considered it as a place to perform, even if we all are performing in that space without consciously knowing or thinking about it. A performance in the library isn’t something that comes naturally to ones thought process, so the ideas that first sprouted to mind consisted of possible social experiments and the breaking of library rules – particularly on the third floor where you HAVE to be silent.

It was this idea of breaking the rules, being rebellious in the library that got me thinking about the more extreme possibilities of what can be done in the library, for example, being purposefully loud on the third floor so that eventually someone will come and tell you to be quiet as the rules are very strict.

However, the first idea that came to mind was something that wasn’t anywhere associated with the libraries history or the purpose of a library, nor was it appropriate for the time of the year. I wanted to use a whole floor and just use it as a haunted library-come-scare fest; something that I knew would be out of the question but would be incredibly fun. After having a couple of sessions of watching videos in seminars and the reading we have done, the ideas of what could be done were increased further. I particularly liked a video we watched of a group of people wrapping the Reichstag as, for me, it made me question why they did it. The whole idea of wrapping something well known, or maybe something not so well known, is something that makes that object a blank canvas that anybody could envisage what the building really looks like or what it could look like in their heads, different to what it actually looks like. This is something that I certainly found intriguing, at first.

As I have previously said, it wasn’t something that came naturally to oneself when you think of a library, therefore, ideas for this project came few and far between at this early point because there was so much to take into consideration: the architecture, the history, and the uses of the library. So it is relatively difficult to decide at first because of the amount of different aspects of the library it is possible to focus on and create something on or around. For example, it’s possible to focus on why people use the library or the people within the library rather than the library as an object or building itself. As much as this appealed to me, to do a sort of social observation, it was something that I didn’t think would be as challenging as what I would have liked.

Andrew Brooks


Sit and listen, write down everything you hear – the 3rd floor

Whirring of the air-con

It’s that quiet, that if you sit near the window, you can vaguely hear the cars pass

Mostly silent

Sliding of paper/documents as people get things out their bags

A guy packing up his laptop, bangs the charger on the desk

Whispering with his mate

Turning of paper

You can hear as someone gets ready to leave


Tapping of wire

Rolling of wheels on desk chair

Rubbing on paper as people turn pages


A girl walking, the chafing of her jeans and her footsteps as she gets closer

Printer working its magic

Odd creaking of a chair

Text message tone

Door opening

Pocket rustling

Wind and sirens

Jangling of keys

Chafing of a jacket


50 Imaginary Book Titles (Well, 38)

From today’s seminar, here are my 38 that I did, enjoy:

  1. Hitler’s Underpants
  2. The Biggest Book in the World
  3. A Million and One Ways to Utilise a Carrot
  4. What If Peter Parker was Batman?
  5. Never Mind The Yellow Brick Road, Where Does The Red Brick Road Go?
  6. 99 Pieces of Chewing Gum
  7. What’s The Difference?
  8. Maybe We Are All Robots
  9. You Should Have A Volume Switch
  11. What If Heaven was Hell?
  12. Shakespeare: A How To Guide
  13. Why?
  14. Explore the Core of the Moon
  15. Plants Have Feelings Too!
  16. How To Read a Book
  17. The Most Creative Title Ever
  18. If You Want To Know What The Colour Pink Smells Like, Go To Victoria’s Secret
  19. You’re Middle-aged
  20. Religion Is Full Of Sh*t
  21. Who Invented the Hole?
  22. What If I’m Brain Washing You Right Now?
  23. Words & Letters
  24. Mirrors Are Actually Portals
  25. How To Play The Debit/Credit Card
  26. Red Pandas Rule
  27. You Aren’t A Fan of A Band Unless You Know The Bassists Name
  28. I’m Gonna Put Curtains on My Computer
  29. What Does A Swan Actually Look Like?
  30. Windows 8 – Why You Shouldn’t Use It
  31. There’s A Crack In The Wall
  32. Grass Is Actually Black
  33. Ebola
  34. Yorkshire: A Guide To The Country’s Greatest County
  35. Why Is A Computer Mouse Called A Mouse?
  36. I Need The Toilet
  37. Gloria Schnitzleberger
  38. Have A Nice Life

And the categories I came up with, completely random and in no way make sense:

  • Random Books
  • Books with the word ‘the’ in it
  • How many books can you fit in this section?
  • Hitler’s Thoughts and Feelings
  • Stephen Fry
  • Shakespeare’s Secrets
  • Each book down here has its own Wi-Fi hotspot
  • I’m not telling which book from this section is about love
  • Books that have protagonists
  • February