101 Things to do with a Trolley Equipment Needs:

For our idea to work out well on the day, we have had to do a lot of planning about what we need to make or prepare for our idea to work out. For my 25 trolley list I have created a list of equipment I may need in order for the day to run smoothly.

  1. Make Facebook on the go.
  • Cardboard to make the status for Facebook.
  • Paper as well to make the comment section.
  • Tape will be needed as well to make sure it get stuck on to the library trolley.


  1. Wedding of the trolleys.
  • Two trolleys are going to be needed.
  • A veil for the bride.
  • Bow tie for the male (costume cupboard).
  • Some cartoon eyes and mouth made out of paper.


  1. Doll house trolley.
  • Paper needed to create the outside of the house. Will need to be printed on paper and then stuck together and then tapped on to the trolley.
  • Doll peeping out of the window.


  1. Re-create classic film scenes with the trolley as the set.
  • No Equipment is needed for this, but three people may be required to act out the play.


  • Clothes (My own and from costume cupboard LPAC).


  1. Building a fort.


  1. Write an Essay while riding a trolley.
  • Paper
  • Pen


  • No Equipment needed.



  1. Tetris with books.


  1. Advice trolley.
  • Paper to put the pieces of advice on.
  • White tack to stick them on the trolley.


  1. Inspiration trolley.
  • Paper to put the inspiration on.
  • White tack.


  1. William Shakeshelf.
  • Paper eyes.
  • Paper mouth.
  • Paper hair that looks like Shakespeare.


  1. Composing a poem as riding a trolley.


  1. First aid trolley.
  • First aid kit (have to buy).


  1. Take it for a walk.
  • Red lead (Red ribbon can get cheaply).


  1. Waiting staff trolley.
  • Paper Forks.
  • Paper Knives.
  • Paper Plates.


  1. Hiding with it.
  • No Equipment needed.


  1. Cuddly toy zoo trolley.
  • Cuddly toys to make the zoo (I have them).


  1. Movie quote.
  • Paper for the notes.
  • White tack.



  1. University facts.
  • Facts about the uni.
  • White tack.



  1. Check how you look trolley.
  • Mirror from props?


  1. Use as a sun bed.
  • Maybe a swim suit?



  1. Taking selfies with the trolley.


  1. Shoes Shelf.
  • Shoes (props and our own).


  1. To carry books.
  • Books from library.

For a lot of these ideas we are going to use paper. This allows us to make a connection with the library as conventionally, books are made out of paper.  By creating a different trolley using paper the theme of paper and books is continued.

Samantha Foster.

101 alternative ways to use a library trolley

In Cie. Willi Dorner`s project “bodies in urban space” a group of dancers created trails around different cities. They made their bodies seem lifeless and placed themselves in certain spots as if part of – and thus underlining or contradicting – the architectural or utilitarian structures of the city. “Bodies in urban space” was intended to “point out the urban functional structure and to uncover the restricted movement possibilities and behaviour as well as rules and limitations.” (http://www.ciewdorner.at/index.php?page=work&wid=26) This performance called attention to inanimate things such as signs, stairs, doorways and benches but by the shaping of the bodies around them, people passing by perceived the objects and the spaces in a new way.                             This idea is something which our project connects to. Chairs, tables, shelves and trolleys serve certain functions and are essential to the working processes of the library. They belong to the equipment which is needed to facilitate the purposes of the library. At the bottom of the stairs trolleys are stored when they are not needed. For our final project we are taking those trolleys and exploring 101 things to do with them – 101 alternative ways to use them and to take them away from their utilitarian existence. We are aspiring to make the trolleys seem different from how they are usually perceived and therefore change the space they are part of.
The work for our project started with the collection of ideas and the creation of a list of 101 things to do with a library trolley. We then divided that list between the four of us so that everyone is responsible for 25/26 things. We want the project to have a sense of challenge and urgency and to be a sort of “working through” our 101 “tasks”. Therefore we are going to do it all in one day. We have estimated a rough time period for each thing and are expecting the project to last from 8am until 4pm in the very least, giving us plenty of time to prolong if needed. We made a schedule to keep track of who has to be where to do what at any given time. Some of the 101 things only require one of us, some 2 or 3 and some of them require all four of us. Therefore, a lot of the time two things are going to happen at the same time. The next thing each of us had to do individually was to make a list of the equipment we would need for our assigned tasks and think about how to rehearse them. We have thought about which of the things we would have to try out or rehearse and we have decided on other things we would do just once on the day to lend spontaneity to the project.

The 25 things I am responsible for are:

1. Arranging the trolleys outside the library
2. Washing the trolleys
3. Filling the lift with trolleys
4. Replacing books with props
5. Replacing books with clothes
6. Replacing books with food
7. Wrapping a trolley with someone in it
8. Wrapping a trolley with newspaper
9. Wrapping a trolley with toilet paper
10. Wrapping a trolley and attaching pages of novels
11. Putting a large box over a trolley
12. Reading while being pushed on a trolley
13. Painting while being pushed on a trolley
14. Doing Yoga on a trolley
15. Creating an Aquarium
16. Making a trolley into a piece of art
17. Collecting objects to create a piece of art
18. Making books out of play dough
19. Secret mail
20. Construction site
21. Using a trolley as a bag
22. Comments-about-drama-projects-trolley
23. Classic Literature trolley
24. Taking a trolley everywhere
25. Walking around with the trolleys

After Proposal Meeting

Although Conan and Dan liked my idea, they did feel as though I could push myself further and push the boundaries I had created for myself.
I can be more ambitious and work on a bigger scale, being more daring and creative with my work.
In order to move forward, I need to think of a way to make my work more ambitious.
Some ideas suggested were to make sure the boards were bigger and more visiual, to put them at eye level and make them more appealing  by using interesting and different materials. Maybe looking at old warehouse produce and the railway. I need to emphasise the architextual features more and explore hidden areas of the library. Encouraging the audience to use and explore the full space.
It was also suggested that I don’t use the whole alphabet for my work, and that I only focus on a few letters, focus on making them bigger and using different more diverse materials. This gives me more time to make those fewer boards bigger and better, as I’m not focusing on 26 different ones, but rather a few simpler ones.
It was suggested that I lead the trail myself and take on a performance role, leading the audience around the library and taking them on the journey. This adds less of an academic aspect, whereas the audience can listen to me guide them rather than follow of their own accord.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

ABC’s Of The Library

During my research phase, I took a group of my friends on an ‘exploration’ of the library. It became clear as we travelled that many of my friends only visited the section that contained books for their subject area and failed to venture further into the library. One of my friends wasn’t even aware that there was a back staircase and another had never set foot on the third floor.
I would like to look at this concept for my piece, and hopefully use my piece to encourage exploration and full use of the library.

The library runs on an alphabetical format. This means it’s quick and easy to find the books and resources you are looking for.
The alphabetical system is a main feature of the library, it creates an easy organisation that students are familar with.
I am wanting to look at this concept when creating my piece.

I have thought about using the alphabet as a starting point. Having the letters A-Z in board-like forms, each containing a word that relates to the library. Whether this be the library structure or the way the library is used. You follow the boards, in alphabetical order, on a trail-like adventure through the library, causing you to visit and look at places you may not have been aware of. The boards will contain bright and visiual information about areas of the library, encouraging you to read and learn as you follow the trail.


This is what my boards will look like, although they will have text on them for participates to read and engage with.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

Library – Warehouse – Industrial

Before the railway, library site was rural.
The canal was main means of transport, transporting canned goods and connecting Lincoln.
Waterway infront of the warehouse. – Easier to load/unload goods.
– Distribution
Great Central Warehouse, dominance of water.
Agricultrual Community

Railway for distribution, Canal for distribution.
Engine Shed + Warehouse.

Warehouse was abandoned for a while before library construction.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton