Transforming Spaces

Forced entertainment did a project in 1995 called Nights in this City. It was a guided tour on a bus through Sheffield. The performers guided the tour but “avoided facts in search of a different truth.” (Tim Etchells, Certain fragments – Eight Fragments on Theatre and the City) They told imaginary stories which put the city into a different light. A certain place can have one official name, history and function, but any individual could look at it completely differently. It may hold a particular memory or have a feeling attached to it. One can take a space (as we did with the library) and over its actual map, draw another “map” – one of emotions, thoughts, memories and associations. In Certain fragments – Eight Fragments on Theatre and the City Tim Etchells says: “Did I tell you that up on West Street someone has written on a burned-out building GET WELL SOON? Did I tell you that in some parts of the city the phones in the call boxes ring to empty streets at regular hours of the day and night? Are these events connected? Are there persons here, working in concert? In the city as in all the best performance, I`m left joining dots, making my own connections, reasons, speculation.” This paints a picture of the city as a place of lots of little wonders and of people who create them. It is up to each person to find connections between them and to give meaning to them. Krzysztof Wodiczko said about the city: “What are our cities? Are they environments that are trying to say something to us? Are they environments in which we communicate with each other? Or are they perhaps the environments of things that we don’t see, of silences, of the voices which we don’t, or would rather not, hear. The places of all of those back alleys where perhaps the real public space is, where the experiences of which we should be speaking, where voices that we should be listening to, are hidden in the shadows of monuments and memorials.” (quote from the PBS art21 website: Krzysztof Wodiczko takes buildings and monuments and projects images and videos unto them. The images he uses comment on or criticize political issues. The architectural structures he chooses for the projections can make the images seem very controversial. Concerning war memorials Wodiczko said: “We still have to see those symbolic structures, war memorials, in relation to contemporary situations.” ( In 1988 he projected images of homeless people on the war memorial in Boston. The average person passing by a war memorial might take a moment to remember the victims of that war. However, at that very moment there are similarly tragic things happening that people don`t regularly think about or avoid to think about. Wodiczko`s projections transform spaces people frequent every day into meaning something different, into bearing a message. People are led to think and talk about the issues presented and “to open up and speak about what’s unspeakable” (

The Third Floor

The third floor of the library is very atmospheric. The only thing you can hear when sat down is the quiet tapping of the keyboards, and the whirring of the computers. This creates a sort of eery yet concentrated environment that reflects the hard working passion of the students that inhabit it. Compare this to the history of the building and it would have been a very different story. The typing and flicking of pages, would be swapped for the banging and crashing of the Railway Goods Warehouse. From the picture below, you can see the clear time jump between the past and the present. The way they have managed to maintain the history of the building, while also adapting it for modern day use. This combination of old and new creates a unique location for performances.

The Third Floor bridge between times
The Third Floor bridge between times


My book

my book ss 3my bok ss 4my book ss 5

Inspired by my original book title “How to Read Palms”, I gathered information on how he basics of the art of reading palms and predicting someone’s personality or likely destiny. It intrigued me to think about how we can read things sometimes and as a reader it can lead to our own interpretations and how this relates to performance with an audience. I wrote the full text onto the card, before cutting away the information to create the shape of hands, this pushes the idea that you can never grasp the full knowledge the text gives. There are several infinities with books, texts and authors, which is the same concept of our Site.


50 Imaginary Book Titles

  1.  How To Read, An Idiots Guide.
  2.  Does Everyone See The Same Colour?
  3.  How To Use A Projector, Does Anyone Know?
  4. Don’t Open This Book.
  5.  Total Anarchy, Library Failure.
  6.  Literally Literature Disaster, What Happens When The System Fails.
  7.  What Do Sharks Eat?
  8.  Sharks Are Pretty Cool
  9.  Why Do Sharks Eat People?
  10.  Sharks: Natural Killers
  11.  Sharks: How To Train One
  12.  Sharks: Don’t Try To Train One
  13.  What Happens When You Don’t Listen To Good Advice?
  14.  20 Minute Naps Will Ruin Your Life
  15.  5 Minutes Is A Long Time
  16.  How To Be A Successful Girl
  17.  Cats And Their Nine Lives
  18.  What Do House Cats Really Do?
  19.  Where Did Monkeys Come From?
  20.  Bengal Tiger Cats
  21.  Kittens, They Grow Up So Fast
  22.  Wine, How To Drink It
  23.  Wine, How Not To Drink It
  24.  How To Look Posh While Drinking Special Brew
  25.  Always Say ‘Yes’ To The Pub
  26. Raindance Maggie And How She Came To Be In A Red Hot Chilli Peppers Song
  27.  Want A Baby, Annie?
  28.  Is Annie Okay?
  29.  Arabella And Her Silver Swimsuit
  30.  Laura: Why She Can’t Give You Some Time.
  31.  Freeda: Why She Can’t Spare You A Dime.
  32.  Sally Bray, You Are Missed.
  33.  Polly Wants A Cracker
  34.  I Don’t Know Jane Doe
  35.  Northerners Guide To Lincoln
  36.  Up North Where Tha’s Can Get Aht If Tha’s Dunt Agree Its Gods Own
  37.  You Know You’re Northern When You Won’t Pay More Than £3 For A Pint
  38.  Sheffield, The Greatest City In The World
  39.  Face-Book
  40.  Power Couples: Kim and Kanye
  41.  Power Couples: Beyonce and Jay-Z
  42.  Power Couples: Brad and Angelina
  43.  Kanye West And Why Not East?
  44.  What Is Victorias Secret?
  45.  How To Survive: The Zombie Apocolayspe
  46.  How To Survive: A Long Car Journey
  47.  How To Survive: A Nicki Minaj Song
  48.  How To Survive: The Mobile Banking App
  49.  How To Survive: Social Interation With Idiots
  50.  How To Survive: The Midnight Mission For FoodRebecca Elizabeth Bierton