Thoughts of the 3rd Floor

The 3rd Floor is an interesting and intimidating place. The moment you walk in it’s like you hit a barrier of silence. The pressure of silence by the people who are already there then passes to you, where you inadvertently pass it on to the next person you see. The pink signs of “SILENT STUDY” act as enforcers to the atmosphere of silence. The people on the 3rd floor are very self-conscious as they move. Mainly because there is no talking, everyone picks up on the tiniest bit of noise. The slightest noise jolts everyone as they look in the direction of the source of the noise, then look at each other in a weird sense of recognition, a single act of unification. The architecture is a blend of the original warehouse and modern refurbishments. The skylights make the room bright and open, whilst the small brick windows create a feeling of entrapment. The lights that the floor uses are pretty, but rather redundant during the day. Looking up it’s clear just how much stuff they have put on the wooden beams: speakers, lights, fire exit signs, security camera’s etc. I doubt many people actually look up in the building. The view out of the windows from where I’m sat, I can just make out the castle, the Odeon & the block of flats. but the windows are too small and I am too far way to actually see anything properly.


Paul Chappel

50 Book Titles

An interesting exercise that makes you realise what your mind thinks about. Come up with 50 book titles in 20 mins.

1. The Rabbit
2. Erm… : The Guide to Small Talk
3. How to handle praise
4. City of Gold
5. Doodlebug
6. The Towers
7. Merry Xmas God!
8. Death in the Study
9. 12 Reasons to Break a Cup
10. Flowers for a Mouse
11. Big Splash
12. Murder comes to Wuthering Heights
13. Daydreams are Dangerous
14. No Reason – Part 1
15. Number 1 – Part 2
16. Injustice – Part 3
17. The Owl, The Pussycat and the Gatling Gun
18. How to survive: being a parent without killing your child
19. How to survive: being a teacher without killing a student
20. How to survive: meetings without killing your boss and colleagues
21. Nobody Expects the Monty Python Inquisition
22. The Spy of Sparta
23. The Assassin
24. The Traveller
25. The Rising Sun Falls
26. A Bombers Last Request
27. The Soldier Who Never Sleeps
28. Red is the Warmest Colour
29. Wolves in the Night
30. One Shot, One Kill
31. The Party’s Party
32. Secrets of Whitehall
33. Betrayal in the Commons
34. The Easy Path
35. Tortoise Kong
36. The Boy
37. Questions only!
38. Dr. Doctor
39. Your Country Might Not Need You
40. Mud and Blood
41. Peace at Last?
42. Feste
43. Murder at the Globe
44. Body in the Bodleian
45. How to write a play; and get away with it
46. Thank goodness you’ve come…
47. Interrogation
48. New Choice
49. Question this!
50. Addicts Anonymous


Paul Chappel