Finding ‘Space’ On The Third Floor

The openness and peacefulness of the Third Floor in the library makes it my favourite place in the building.

Who inhabits the space?

Students Usually spend time on the third floor because like me, they find it easier to do more work in the quiet and open atmosphere. The lighting also helps achieve a more productive atmosphere, it creates a space where more can be done, it feels open and available to do work. It’s a atmosphere of positivity.  I find it such a productive atmosphere that I would like to investigate the possibilities of performance around and within the space.

I think that the architecture of the roof is interesting, and I enjoy the amount of light that it draws attention to.

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Performance Ideas

Architextural features of the library?
– Could look at this literally or metaphorically
– Playing with the original structure or looking at how we could alter the architexture?
– Turn the building/space into something else

Industrial side of the library?
– Look at the way the library was used before
– How we could bring the past into the present
– How the past meets the present anyway within the library literally
– Look at spaces where the warehouse meets the new library building

Literal Library?
– Using the library in a literal way
– Looking at literal books and reading
– How reading can be used to educate?
– Reading can be used for pleasure and to relax

Creative Library?
– The way the library can be used for other activites (rehearsal etc)
– The way spaces can be transformed

Social Library?
-Looking at the way the library is used to promote group work and discussion?
– How friendships and relationships are formed and created in the library?
– The idea of the social aspect, coffee shop encouraging this?

IT Library?
– Idea of the access to all information
– How IT connections can help and hinder the library
– Online library?

Factual Library?
– Seeing the library as for factual use only
– The rooms that are purely for work and research (third floor)

Text piece – creating a literal story rather than a creative piece? Some kind of performance structure?

Soundscape – lights out? recreate areas of the library via sound, recreate the industrial past and slowly bring it to the present?

The People Who Use The Library – Look at who uses the library and why

Re-draw parts of the library. Create a blank canvas and literally re-draw areas of the library. Different sections could be re-drawn to give a better understanding of the material. For example, canvas the Drama section of the library and draw over it the tragedy and comedy masks, drawing shakespeare and illustrate Stanislavski techniques. Architexture could be re-drawn with images of skyscrapers and buildings. The IT section could make illustrated reference to the world wide web and everything it has to offer. This could be the performance and people could come and observe you drawing over the sections they know with an illustrated stereotypical representation.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

My Favourite Place Within The Library

My favourite place within the library is the Seminar Room, UL111.
I like this room the most because of the vast space and the big windows. I feel the windows let in a lot of light, making the space feel airy and spacious. There is a lot of room to work in and it is possible to hold rehearsals in there as well as seminar study.
I particularly like the windows cause they also allow you to people watch across the university. This is one of my favourite things to do and you could easily create some kind of performance based on this.
People watching allows you to create stories for the people that pass your window and see how that story can change and progress as they interact. This gives you a lot to work with as you never know which people are going to walk past your window.
You can also invite the audience to create their own stories based on the groups of people that walk past their window.
There is a lot of potential within this room, and I would like to explore this further.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

Exploration Of The Library

Third Floor Thought Tracking
(An activity in which I logged my thought progression as I spent time alone on the third floor)

– It is so bright in here, so bright
– I wonder if they keep it so bright for concentration
– Because you get sleepy in dim light
– Maybe that’s why there’s so many windows in this room, to keep it bright
– That’s so clever
– I do feel really awake in here
– Like really alert and ready
– The view of the Catherdral is really stunning
– And the wooden beams are so pretty
– It’s so quiet in here
– Really quiet, you can feel people concentrating
– and everyone’s so busy working
– Makes me feel like I should be doing something businessy and important
– The view of the Catherdral is beautiful up here
– There are two guys working in the corner together and quietly talking
– I wonder what they’re talking about
– I wonder if I can get a picture of the Catherdral
– Now those two guys think i’m taking a picture of them
– This is now really awkward..
– I should move locations

Visiual Description of The Third Floor
(An activity in which I logged my visiual surroundings)

– Brick work
– Beams
– Computers
– Cables
– Tables
– Spotlights
– 2 boys working
– Books
– Pens
– Ringbinder Notepads
– Coffee Cups
– Headphones
– iPods
– Chairs
– Cigarette Lighter
– iPhones
– Crisps
– Cathedral view

The Sounds I Heard On The Third Floor
(An activity in which I listened to the sounds I could hear on the ‘quiet floor’)

– Laptop keys tapping
– Printer
– Mouse clicking
– Quiet mumbling as people attempt to discuss work quietly
– Pages turning
– Books being shuffled about
– Trolley of Books moving past

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

Imaginary Library

My imaginary library would be like a big coffee shop to encourage social interaction and create a friendly enviroment. You would be welcome to talk there, and also be quiet and work. Books would work on a ‘take one and replace one’ system, almost like a swap and share so you’d never know what books would be next on the shelves.

Hot Chocolate Books.
Books for when you are having a nice caffiented drink.
Most likely a feminime kind of book,  containing a heart warming tale.

Books That Contain Animals.
A literal section, containing books that are about animals.

Educational, Factual Stuff.
Books that contain information, often used for essays.

Help Me, I’m Lost
Books that can be literal maps and city guides.
But also can be self help books, for lost minds.

Long Stay Books
Books that are lengthy, for those who have a lot of time on their hands.
Books like Harry Potter, or Lord Of The Rings

Short Stay  Books
Books for people who are busy, or who don’t have a lot of time.

Dark Books
Books that usually come under the ‘horror’ section.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton