Visual Journey

I have since updated this design to a bigger and more functional piece.
Here is my updated frame, in it’s location.


This is piece is made entirely out of the back of books, binded together by thin strips of wood to make it sturdy and structured.
I have re-done this piece to make it bigger and more eye catching as the previous book frame was weak and little in comparison to this updated version.
When I had my meeting with Dan, he emphasised that I needed to explore more materials and be more creative with my work. I took on board his advice and re-created this piece to reflect his comments.
I have also recreated my book pages collage to reflect Dans comments on materials and size.

I re-created this piece entirely and changed the materials I had used. The book pages are bound together by strips of wood to keep the support strong and sturdy.
This means my piece will sit on it’s own within the window and the light will shine through the word as I had intended.
Though unfortunately, the cleaner for the library was uninformed of my piece tried to removed it by pulling on the letters and it has now slightly lost it’s shape and will no longer stand within the window. Though here is evidence that my piece did stand on its own.

This is the smallest piece I have created.

This is made out of cans to represent the industrial side of the warehouse. I wanted this piece to mainly speak for itself and have the audience question the use of cans. I wanted this piece to be minimal as the main focus is about the cans and the industrial side of the warehouse. The minimal effect of this piece is also to represent when the warehouse was abandoned for a while after its usage for the transportation of goods. This is why there is only a few cans standing, to indicate that they have been left behind.

I wanted to use the materials I had sourced for my piece. I had originally intended my wooden train track to run infront of the windows, however after discussing with the Library Staff they made me aware that this would be a potential tripping hazard and it would not be practical to set this up. I then spoke to them about having a grain trail to create a train track, instead of a wooden rail and they emphasised that this again would not be practical due to cleaning up the mess on the silent floor.
I instead used my wooden train track to create and art piece to represent ‘New Bolingstoke’.


This is a literal representation of the train track and fits as a substitute for my original idea.
I wanted the railway to be emphasised, although it did not work out how I had planned. I feel this piece shows the railway in a literal sense and brings to light the idea of the railway and it’s uses.


This piece is made entirely out of grain. The grain sticks to the back of the board, having the word ‘Stickney’ the only part that is not covered in grain. The grain is to represent the agricultural side of the library warehouse and how the railway used to carry grain and goods around the county.

My final piece is the word ‘Midville’ made out of hanging book backs.


The book backs are a direct link to the literalĀ  library as we know it now and also to end the ‘journey’ as they are made out of the same material as the frame. This is a kind of framing for the piece. Having the piece start with book backs and end with book backs.

I have created every single one of these pieces entirely on my own.

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