Idea 2.0

I have just had my meeting with Dan about my ideas and the progression of my piece. I am now using the third floor as my location, particularly the back wall of the third floor. This is because the third floor is an interesting space in general, as there is an unspoken understanding that you do not speak up there. I can play on this idea of silence and have nothing spoken and no sound made within my piece. This means the audience will be purely focusing on the work I am creating. The back wall is the original brickwork from when the library was a warehouse, and as my piece is about drawing attention to the unnoticed areas of the library, this will be ideal. The third floor also has the original wooden beams, which will be fun to play with and explore. Most students do not notice these beams as they are above eye level, but they are an original architextual feature of the warehouse that has remained intact since the reconstruction.
I want to build on my idea of an illustrated trail, but make it specific to the third floor. I want the brickwork of the back wall to be a feature, but also to incorporate the beams using ideas from the past. One way to do this is to look at the railway, and use a literal railway as the basis of the trail. Maybe have it circulate around the wall of the third floor, leading you to different ‘boards’ and ideas presenting information about the warehouse and it’s uses. I could use solid materials, like grain, IT equipment, books, brick, and pages to help create these boards and make them a sculptural piece rather than a informational piece. These ‘boards’ could be styled like a railway station to fit in with a railway theme.
I am wanting the bring the past into the present in a literal visiual sense and look closely at the idea of the railway running alongside the library.

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