Although Conan and Dan liked my idea, they did feel as though I could push myself further and push the boundaries I had created for myself.
I can be more ambitious and work on a bigger scale, being more daring and creative with my work.
In order to move forward, I need to think of a way to make my work more ambitious.
Some ideas suggested were to make sure the boards were bigger and more visiual, to put them at eye level and make them more appealingĀ by using interesting and different materials. Maybe looking at old warehouse produce and the railway. I need to emphasise the architextual features more and explore hidden areas of the library. Encouraging the audience to use and explore the full space.
It was also suggested that I don’t useĀ the whole alphabet for my work, and that I only focus on a few letters, focus on making them bigger and using different more diverse materials. This gives me more time to make those fewer boards bigger and better, as I’m not focusing on 26 different ones, but rather a few simpler ones.
It was suggested that I lead the trail myself and take on a performance role, leading the audience around the library and taking them on the journey. This adds less of an academic aspect, whereas the audience can listen to me guide them rather than follow of their own accord.
Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton