Imaginary Library

My imaginary library would be like a big coffee shop to encourage social interaction and create a friendly enviroment. You would be welcome to talk there, and also be quiet and work. Books would work on a ‘take one and replace one’ system, almost like a swap and share so you’d never know what books would be next on the shelves.

Hot Chocolate Books.
Books for when you are having a nice caffiented drink.
Most likely a feminime kind of book,  containing a heart warming tale.

Books That Contain Animals.
A literal section, containing books that are about animals.

Educational, Factual Stuff.
Books that contain information, often used for essays.

Help Me, I’m Lost
Books that can be literal maps and city guides.
But also can be self help books, for lost minds.

Long Stay Books
Books that are lengthy, for those who have a lot of time on their hands.
Books like Harry Potter, or Lord Of The Rings

Short Stay  Books
Books for people who are busy, or who don’t have a lot of time.

Dark Books
Books that usually come under the ‘horror’ section.

Rebecca Elizabeth Bierton

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