Within our small group consisting of Paul, Sam, Me and Sarah we decided to create a food library. Something that fed from the saying “Food for Thought”. We had so many ideas on how to approach this, from turning a complete row of shelves into a mini supermarket, or having the food as books that people had to check out. The idea that we settled on was cutting off a row of shelves in the library and putting a piece of food, with a riddle onto said shelf. If somebody wanted to check the item of food out, they had to answer the riddle which was found in one of the books in the library. This picture is an example we did with one of the groups in the class. The group involved Jess, Ruth and Harry, who were tasked with finding a book about a blonde haired girl who falls down a hole into a wonderland. Their prize was a muffin. This links in with the story due to Alice eating a cake. However, once we presented the idea to Conan and Dan, we realised that the idea wouldn’t work and it was too much like a game. After talking with Conan and Dan, we decided to maintain the element of fun we had planned but we managed to work it onto the library trolleys. Then after a long week of thinking up ideas, we managed to think up 101 uses for the library trolleys. With these ideas in mind, we have started to think about the materials that each of us will need to make our tasks possible. For example, for the game of Pac Man that I will be organising around the 1st floor, I will need a yellow tshirt and different types of books that I can ‘collect’ like in the original game of Pac Man. Paul, Sam and Sarah will all be the ‘Ghosts’ from the game, so they will need different coloured tops to represent their ‘character’.
We have had difficulty trying to find an exact practitioner to relate our work too due to there being so many different tasks.