The interesting thing about the Warehouse Library is not only of the building itself, but of the people who occupy the site. Without bringing people into the building, it would become and empty space. Lea Vergine (2000) discusses this in her edited book Body Art and Performance “The individual is placed at the center of a continuous process that is carried ahead with persistence’s and repetitions” (Vergine, 2000, 8). This correlates with the repetition that flows through our site. When we look back to it being a factory, workers will have produced work through repetitious manual labor expected of them every day. This still exists today with library users, whether they use the space for work or social reasons, there are several behaviours that are expected. We can also relate this quote to the actual architecture of the building itself. Over the years, the building has remained, adapted and advanced for the changing purposes of the site. However, there are still memoirs around the library which represents its history, allowing us to see and feel the process the building has experienced. Therefore, the site is a continuous process, just like the people who are working within it.
Vergine, L. (ed.) (2000) Body Art and Performance: The Body as Language. Italy: Skira Editore S.p.A.